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Foreign tourists to be granted visa-free entry to the National park "Belovezhskaya pushcha"

The Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 9 March 2015 No 115 “On establishing a visa-free entry and exit of foreign citizens” provides that foreign citizens may use a visa-free procedure for entry in and exit of the Republic of Belarus through the border crossing point “Pererov” and temporary stay in the territory of the National park "Belovezhskaya pushcha" for a period of up to three days for tourism purposes. The ground of a visa-free entry shall be a document granting the right to visit the National park "Belovezhskaya pushcha".

The Edict was officially published in Russian on the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus on 11 March 2015 and its main provisions enter into force in three months after its official publication.